
Rotary table with motor

The igus® rotary axes were developed with the aim of enabling cost-effective automation. Various sizes and designs cover a wide range of applications for rotary and swivel movements. The igus® rotary axes are a ready-to-install component, consisting of an igus® robolink®-D worm gear in combination with a suitable motor. Your combination not listed? Take a look at the store for worm gearboxes and configure your individual combination of gearbox and motor! The design with igus® PRT polymer slewing ring bearings enables a lubrication and maintenance-free gearbox and is particularly suitable as a turntable for high axial load absorption, eccentric loads and impact loads.

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    The termen "Apiro", "AutoChain", "CFRIP", "chainflex", "chainge", "chains for cranes", "ConProtect", "cradle-chain", "CTD", "drygear", "drylin", "dryspin", "dry-tech", "dryway", "easy chain", "e-chain", "e-chain systems", "e-ketten", "e-kettensysteme", "e-loop", "energy chain", "energy chain systems", "enjoyneering", "e-skin", "e-spool", "fixflex", "flizz", "i.Cee", "ibow", "igear", "iglidur", "igubal", "igumid", "igus", "igus improves what moves", "igus:bike", "igusGO", "igutex", "iguverse", "iguversum", "kineKIT", "kopla", "manus", "motion plastics", "motion polymers", "motionary", "plastics for longer life", "print2mold", "Rawbot", "RBTX", "readycable", "readychain", "ReBeL", "ReCyycle", "reguse", "robolink", "Rohbot", "savfe", "speedigus", "superwise", "take the dryway", "tribofilament", "tribotape", "triflex", "twisterchain", "when it moves, igus improves", "xirodur", "xiros" en "yes" zijn wettelijk beschermde handelsmerken van igus® GmbH/Keulen in de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland en, indien van toepassing, in sommige andere landen. Dit is een niet-uitputtende lijst van handelsmerken (bijv. lopende handelsmerkaanvragen of geregistreerde handelsmerken) van igus GmbH of gelieerde ondernemingen van igus in Duitsland, de Europese Unie, de VS en/of andere landen of rechtsgebieden.

    igus® GmbH benadrukt dat het geen producten verkoopt van de bedrijven Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM, Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber en alle andere drive-fabrikanten die worden genoemd op deze website. De producten die worden aangeboden door igus® zijn die van igus® B.V.