Test setup: CFBUS.PUR bus cable

Test number:5064
Cable type:CFBUS.PUR.049
Cable type:Bus cables
Bend radius:75mm (factor 10.3 x d)
Service life:17 million strokes
CFBUS.PUR control unit

This test assessed the expected service life of the CFBUS.PUR.049 in an e-chain with a 75mm radius.  

A machine's display is the control centre where every machine tool function is adjusted and checked. To allow rapid data transmission in real time, these control units often have Ethernet cables. For large systems in particular, it has proven effective to make this control unit moveable, even linearly moveable. A reliable cable is now required to properly map the recurring movement. 

This test assessed the CFBUS.PUR.049 bus cable service life. After 14 months and 17,495,094 double strokes, we terminated the test. The cable was still in perfect condition, which is elementary for a control panel. 

You can download the full test report here. You can see all the details there